Can Dogs Eat Honeydew Melon?


Does your dog enjoy eating cantaloupe? If he does, then he will surely like the taste of honeydew melon. It is both delicious and bursting with nutrients!

Honeydew melon and cantaloupe taste almost the same because they both belong to the gourd family of muskmelon. However, honeydew melon is slightly sweeter and juicier especially when it’s ripe. Find out why it’s dubbed as one of the best fruits for canines.

Benefits of the Honeydew Melon for Dogs

In case you haven’t offered Fido some honeydew, you might want to try now. Honeydew melon will not just delight your dog’s taste buds.

Honeydew is a refreshing treat because it is 90% water which makes it an outstanding hydrating agent that can store water in the flesh.

Aside from providing hydration, eating honeydew will also benefit your pet in the long run because of the fruit’s nutritional content. Here are the amazing health benefits of consuming honeydew for canines:

-It is good for constipation. Honeydew is an excellent source of fiber, both soluble and insoluble. A cup of diced honeydew provides around 1.4 grams of dietary fiber. The fiber in honeydew is helpful in keeping food moving through the digestive tract. Constipation is a very common issue in dogs. Constipation in dogs can have many possible causes but the main reason is dogs having too little fiber in their diet. If you suspect your dog can’t defecate because he does not have enough fiber, try giving him a cup of honeydews.

-It is rich in potassium. Honeydew is among the fruits with the highest amounts of potassium. A cup of honeydew contains a whopping 400 milligrams of potassium, comparable to that of banana. In dogs, potassium is essential for the proper functioning of their nerves, muscles, and enzymes. If your pooch has low potassium levels, he will be weak and tired. He could also suffer from abdominal cramping, constipation, and even palpitations.

-It supports healthy vision. One of the primary vitamins found in the honeydew is Vitamin A. As we all know, this vitamin plays an important role in keeping the eyes healthy. Like people, our pets also need proper nutrition for their eye health. Part of it is eating foods rich in Vitamin A. Honeydew is one of them!

-It supports the immune system. The Vitamin C content of the honeydew can help boost immunity. It fights off bacteria and illnesses and helps keep you and your dog protected.

-Honeydew maintains a healthy skin. Vitamin C is essential in producing collagen in the body. Collagen is an important structural protein in dogs as it determines the elasticity of their skin.

-It will keep his bones and teeth stronger. The collagen is not just beneficial for the skin but also determines the strength of your pup’s bones and teeth. Moreover, honeydew is packed with calcium, an important mineral in building the bones.

-It is a low-calorie treat. If your dog craves for some treats but the vet advised to limit his calorie intake, try giving him some honeydew. For a cup of diced honeydew, your pet only gets around 61 calories.

-Honeydew has a very little fat content. One cup of diced honeydew (approximately 20 pieces or 170 grams) contains 0.2 grams of total fat. This amount is too irrelevant so honeydew is considered as a fat-free snack.

Ways to Give Honeydew to Dogs

Honeydew is actually a versatile fruit that can be eaten on its own, can be used as a salad ingredient, or in a smoothie. Yes, you read that right! If you never drank a honeydew smoothie before, you might want to try it now. You can even share it with Fido.

Dogs can have smoothies as long as the ingredients are all safe for them. Make a smoothie to give your pooch a tasty nutrition boost. Smoothies also make for a nice reward especially during those hot summer months!

In a blender, mix plain yogurt, honeydew melon, and bananas. Feel free to add as much of these fruits you want to include. Pour the liquid into ice cube trays if you want. If you want a creamy honeydew smoothie, follow the procedures below.

Creamy Honeydew Smoothie

  1. In a blender, place 2 cups of cubed honeydew and 1 cup of plain yogurt.
  2. Pour in 2 tablespoons of fresh apple juice. You are free to use any fruit juice, as long as it is safe for your dog.
  3. Blend until you get a smooth consistency.
  4. Add ice sparingly. You may skip this part for your dog’s smoothie.
  5. Pour it in a large cup or in your dog’s bowl.

If you want to feed honeydew to your dog just as it is, make sure to peel it and cube it first. Giving it in small bite-sized pieces is also a good idea. You can create small balls by scooping it out with a melon baller.

Remove the seeds and the rind. The seed may contain trace amounts of toxic substances like cyanide compounds. The rind, on the other hand, is hard to digest.

In the event that your dog has eaten the honeydew rind, keep an eye on him for 24 hours. He may throw up and you could see changes in his bowel movement. If your pet has been sick for more than a day after eating honeydew rind, it is better to seek your veterinarian’s help.

If your dog accidentally ate a lot of honeydew seeds, call your vet or an animal poison control center. Cyanide poisoning needs immediate treatment because it can cause bad diarrhea as well as the inflammation of the intestine. Keep an eye for symptoms such as vomiting, skin irritations, and hyperventilation.

Important Reminders for Dog Owners

Honeydew is definitely safe for dogs. But regardless of that, dogs should not eat too much of it. As we mentioned earlier, honeydew is a great source of dietary fiber.

Fruits like honeydews should not substitute your dog’s healthy protein-based diet. When giving honeydew to your dog, only do it in moderate amounts.

How to Choose Fresh Honeydew

Most people hate honeydew because it is tasteless. Actually, this is due to the fact that the majority of honeydew sold at the market is unripe.

If you want your honeydews to be sweet or to have that juicy tang, better be wise in picking them. Look at the outer skin and see if it has a golden or creamy yellow color. The green ones are usually the unripe ones.

When you press the bottom part of the honeydew, it should feel a little springy. A ripe honeydew usually feels slightly soft when you touch it.

You can also use your sense of smell in determining the ripeness of your honeydew. A ripe one should have a sweet and musky aroma. The rinds should not be dusky but smooth and waxy.


Honeydew is definitely safe for dogs. In fact, it’s one of the best snacks for them as long as it is given in moderation. They can benefit from the fruit’s hydrating properties, and content of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

In case you haven’t tried feeding your dog melons, start with honeydews. Just pick the right ones so your dog will have a sweet and juicy treat. Also, practice caution and don’t forget to remove the seeds as well as the rind before giving it to your dog.


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