Can Dogs Eat Olives? Here Are Tips When Introducing This Fruit to Your Pet


“European olives” or simply olives are packed with nutrients that make them a good addition to anyone’s diet. They are on top of the list of the world’s healthiest foods.

But these plump and juicy greens (sometimes black) are not just wholesome. Toss a few on your salad or pasta dishes and they will instantly look more appetizing!

In this post, I will discuss the safety of giving olives to canines and what your puppy could gain from eating it. If you are the type of dog owner who shares food with them, it is important to know which ones are safe or which are not.

It is worth noting that certain human foods can be toxic for canines, no matter how nutritious they can be for us humans. Let’s see if olives are included in the safe people foods for canines.

Can Dogs Eat Olives? The green olives or the black olives are both safe for dogs?

Yes, they can! Although they are a bit fatty, you don’t have to worry about giving them to your dog because they do not contain bad fats. One or two pieces every now and then will do. That amount will not definitely harm your dog.

However, you can’t just eat them straight from the tree. Freshly picked olives can be very bitter and your puppy may not stand the taste of them. These fruits are usually treated with lye or cured in brine before they are considered to be edible.

When you are concerned about which color to give, remember that black and green olives are just the same. The only difference there is between them is that the black ones or the dark violet ones are the fully ripened olives, while the green ones haven’t ripened fully.

Olives, regardless if they are black or green, are not toxic to dogs. Olives normally have an acrid taste, but many olives today are being fermented to reduce their bitterness.

Your only concern here is if this is the first time you are giving them to your puppy. Some dogs don’t like the taste of the olives, and some dogs will happily eat them, so it’s better to slowly introduce them to your pet.

How to Pick the Right Olives for Your Dog

  • When giving olives to your dog, opt for plain ones without additives. If buying canned olives, consider soaking them in water for a few minutes just to get rid of the excess sodium.
  • Offer the olives only one to two pieces at a time.
  • Remove the pit, especially if you are planning to give them to a small dog. The olive’s pit is not poisonous but it may cause choking.
  • Never give your dog an entire bowl of olives. The fat content of the fruit, although it is not bad fat, may cause pancreatitis. Surprisingly, a cup of olives has as much as 30% or 735 mg of sodium.
  • Check the labels. Many processed olives may contain ingredients that can harm your puppy. Certain ingredients to avoid include garlic and pepper. If you just bought canned olives, also check the expiration date.
  • Choose organic olives. They are better not just for you, but also for your dog.
  • Look for signs of molds. The problem with olives is they can easily develop molds. Before giving them to your dog, check if the olives are still good for consumption. The best way to do this is to smell them. Molded olives usually have a bad odor that indicates they should go to the trash can.
  • Observe how your little friend reacts to them. If he seems to like the olives, giving them to him is certainly not a problem especially if you did not see any behavioral changes from him after he ate some.

The Nutritional Benefits of Olives

There are so many reasons you should eat olives. If you have a lot of skin concerns, you could add olives to your diet because they are known to improve skin and hair health. Not only that, but olives can also increase your glutathione levels. Here are the other health benefits of olives for canines:

  1. While olives have a certain amount of sodium, they surprisingly contain no cholesterol. This still makes olives a healthy treat for your pooch. They contain the good fats that can improve your dog’s health. This fruit has a natural compound that can help in weight loss. If you are struggling to maintain your dog’s current weight, it would help to add some olives to his diet.
  2. The calcium content of olives can contribute to the development of your pup’s bones, gums, and teeth.
  3. Every 100 grams of olives contain 8% Vitamin A, an essential vitamin for all canines. Canines need small quantities of this organic nutrient because it helps regulate their body functions. It can also help keep their body healthy and free from many diseases.
  4. Every cup or 100 mg of olives contains 18% of Iron, which is beneficial in supplying red blood cells to your dog’s body. Without enough Iron, your dog may suffer from anemia or Iron deficiency.
  5. Containing natural oil, olives have the ability to make you feel full and do the same for them. There is no doubt that they are an ideal treat for dogs who always beg for something to munch!
  6. For us humans, olives lower the risk of heart disease. But did you know that canines can also have heart problems? The most common signs of heart disease are difficulty breathing and poor appetite. Give olives to your dog to help expand his life.
  7. Olives are known to boost immunity because of their vitamin C content and are a very good natural antioxidant. Every 100 grams have 1% Vitamin C, a reasonable amount to help your pup get rid of the free radicals.
  8. They can reduce the risks of cancer. Not just olives, but a Mediterranean diet to be exact may prevent cancer, according to studies. The skin of the olives contains maslinic acid which is responsible for dramatically killing cancer cells.
  9. Olives are known to reduce inflammation. They contain the oleocanthal compound which acts like ibuprofen. This is the reason why olives, and especially olive oil, is used as a natural anti-inflammatory.
  10. They are believed to improve the brain function—this makes a nice treat for training dogs! They contain vitamins A and E which are known as the best brain vitamins. If you want your senior dogs to retain their cognitive functions, olive oil can be good for them too.

Recipes with Olives

Olives are best for dogs when they are plain, but let’s admit it, our canines would even beg us to get a taste of our own food. When you feel like cooking, why not try these recipes? Your plain olives will taste better when mixed with other flavors. Here are some olive recipes you can make at home. Don’t worry, they are also dog-friendly!

  • Mediterranean artichoke salad with olives and crumbled feta – like olives, artichokes are safe to give to dogs, too. If your pet can tolerate dairy, you can definitely give them a bit of the crumbled feta cheese as well.
  • Griddled tuna with olive and parsley salad – a small amount of parsley is safe for dogs. In fact, it has been used for years as a breath freshener. It is also believed to soothe a canine’s stomach. The recipe calls for grilled tuna which any pooch can perfectly handle, but you can also fry the tuna if you want.
  • Meatballs with tomato and green olive sauce – as long as they are not raw and are not loaded with too many seasonings, meatballs are fine for your dog’s consumption. Tomatoes are also safe to feed your pooch.
  • Olive cheese bread – these sumptuous appetizers are truly a feast for the eyes that even your dog can’t resist. With a loaf of French bread, a bit of grated cheese, and drained black olives, this easy-to-prepare dish will surely please any dog.
  • Greek-style potato salad – potatoes are safe for dogs. This dish contains both green and black olives. Should you decide to share some with your pet, don’t add pepper and salt in his food.
  • Mini pizzas with tomatoes and black olives – ripe tomatoes are safe for your pooch. As long as the pizza does not contain onion, garlic, and salt then you can be relieved that he will fine after eating it.
  • Lamb pot roast with olives and oranges – lamb meat is a high-protein treat for canines. Adding a bit of orange will be fine since they are not toxic to dogs.
  • Black bass with warm rosemary and olive vinaigrette – this dish has potatoes, fillet, and black olives. When cooking, separate some for your dog. Make sure his part is not seasoned with salt and pepper and does not contain garlic.


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