Do Pomsky Shed? The Pomsky Shedding Level and Grooming Tips

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The Pomeranian Husky or simply the “Pomsky” is the designer dog breed of our dreams. It’s fluffy and cuddly, not to mention that it suits even apartment-living—what else can you ask for? But there is one major thing to consider when getting a Pomsky pup. It sheds a lot! If you don’t mind this, read on for more information about this crossbreed. Plus, we shared some tips in dealing with all the Pomsky hair.

Information About the Pomsky’s Coat

As a descendant of two of the hairiest breeds in the dog world, it is pretty obvious that the Pomsky will be extremely hairy too. The Pomsky has a fluffy and thick coat, a characteristic it inherited from the Siberian Husky. It may also have soft and flowing hair, which is very similar to a Pomeranian’s.

The silky double-coat adds intensity to the dog’s shedding level. They have a dense and harsh coat that requires medium to high grooming levels. So if you are eager to adopt one, get your vacuum and grooming tools ready because there will be tufts of hair and dander when they shed.

The Pomsky sheds intensely and this is one of the reasons why there are owners who cannot handle them. If you are after a hypoallergenic pet, don’t bother getting a Pomsky. You cannot stop your Pomsky from shedding but the good news is you can free your home from pet hair with a reliable hair capturing tool.

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How to Deal with the Pomsky’s Shedding

Shedding is a natural canine characteristic. It is their way of getting rid of damaged hair. The majority of dogs shed but the amount will vary depending on the breed. Their current health condition may also affect the amount of hair they shed. Shedding typically occurs during fall and spring, although many Pomskies shed like crazy during summer months as well.

In the case of double-coated Pomskies, complete shedding happens once or twice a year. It can be tempting to trim the hair during the shedding season but it is not advisable to do so. The double coats serve as the pet’s protection from dirt and weather conditions. The excessive shedding or blowing of the coat lasts for several days and patience is needed during this time.

Brush the Pomsky’s coat weekly to prevent mats and tangles. Brushing with a good bristle brush also distributes the natural oil in your pet’s skin. The oil also protects the coat from dirt. Stop brushing if you notice tangles in your pet’s coat because removing them with a brush can be extremely painful. Instead of brushing, simply cut them out with scissors. Just be careful when doing so especially if your pet moves a lot.

It’s a must to brush the hair thoroughly during the shedding season so you can capture all the dead hair. You don’t have to schedule a visit to your veterinarian unless the dog’s skin is irritated. The common signs of skin irritation to keep an eye on are bumps, redness, and open sores.

Pomeranian Huskies are susceptible to skin problems and irritations because both parents are prone to it as well. Your Pomsky, like its Husky parent, may develop skin allergies and dermatitis. It matters to conduct a thorough research about this breed before considering to adopt or to get a puppy from a breeder. They are cute and adorable but they are expensive and they require a lot of work.

Best Brushes For Pomskies

  • De-shedding tool – it is recommended to use it after washing and drying your pet especially during the shedding season. Look for a de-shedding tool with stainless steel edges because it is effective at reaching through the topcoat safely.
  • Undercoat rake – every pet owner of double-coated dogs should have this tool. Like the de-shedding tool, it’s also perfect to use during the extreme shedding season. Select a rake with rounded edges so you will not have to worry that it would damage your pet’s skin.
  • Combo brush – it is a combination of the wire-pin and the bristle brush. The wire-pin side is ideal for dogs with double coats because it works in detangling the dog’s coat. The other side stimulates the production of oils in your Pomsky’s skin.
  • Curry brush – this type of brush is ideal not just for daily grooming but also when giving your Pomsky a bath. It can be used when cleaning hard-to-reach parts such as the ears when cleaning your pet.
  • Slicker brush – it is effective in getting rid of loose hair from the coat. Look for a slicker brush with fine wire bristles. This way, the brush will get through the undercoat without damaging the top coat.

Additional Grooming Tips for Pomskies

There is a wide range of hair care products specially created to keep the coat shinier and looking healthy. On regular days, any dog shampoo will do as long as it is hypoallergenic. During the blowing of the coat, control your pet’s shedding by using a dog shedding shampoo. Choose one formulated with potent bioactives and all-natural ingredients.

If you need help in minimizing your dog’s shedding, you may ask your vet about Omega-3 supplements. Remember that proper nutrition is one of the tried and tested ways of keeping your pet’s hair shiny. Bathing can also help get rid of dead hair but it should only be done in 2 to 3 weeks intervals. Some Pomskies only receive their baths once a month.

While bathing can help, it’s not recommended to do it as often. If your Pomsky loves the outdoors, clean him with dog wipes after playing. Bathing the dog more than the required frequency will strip off the natural oils from the dog’s coat and can cause skin dryness and flaking.


The Pomsky has an intense shedding level because of its dense double coat. Because of this, it requires medium to high grooming. A visit to a professional groomer is needed once in a while. You cannot do anything to stop the dog from shedding but there are tricks and diet changes you can try to at least minimize the shedding. Adding fatty acids into your pet’s diet can give him healthier looking skin and fur.


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