Why Dog Throwing Up After Drinking Water?


Dogs usually vomit after eating something indigestible or unusual. But what if your pet is simply drinking water and he ends up throwing it up afterward? Get to know the possible reasons behind this and what you can do to resolve it.

5 Possible Reasons Why Dogs Throw Up After Drinking Water

1. The dog drinks too fast.

A dog gulping his water rapidly could end up vomiting it, especially if his stomach is empty. If your dog has not eaten anything, acid can develop in his stomach and irritate it. Once your pooch rehydrates himself, there is a possibility he could inflame his stomach lining area. This, in turn, results in a vomiting reflex.

A sign that your pet has not eaten enough is if he is throwing up clear fluid. That clear fluid is not just water, it also has saliva and gastric juice. This kind of acid is supposed to stay in the digestive system but the pet vomits it when he is worked up.

Furthermore, this can happen after a hectic play or during summer. Your pet might not be getting sufficient fluids to keep hydrated so he ends up drinking too fast out of thirst.

If your dog just finished exercising, let him rest for a while before offering water. Drinking too soon after physical activities can cause a dog to throw up.

There are dogs that have the tendency of gulping their water at once too quickly. In case your dog developed this habit, don’t let him continue it because it can be a problem later on.

2. There might be parasites or bacteria in the water.

There are several types of diseases dogs can get after being exposed to a contaminated water source. Ponds and local lakes are prone to pollutants that could make any dog sick. The common bacteria found in lakes, fountains and stagnant water is the blue-green algae and leptospira.

Because the parasites and bacteria usually occur in stagnant water, it’s best to avoid allowing your dog to swim in it. Never ever let your pet drink lake or pond water. Your dog could end up sick even after just licking the water from his coat.

Vomiting is the body’s attempt to eliminate the toxins from the body. Aside from throwing up, other neurologic signs of toxicity include seizures, loss of control of bodily movements, and respiratory failure.

3. The dog might be suffering from parvo.

This virus can damage the inner lining of an infected dog’s intestine. When the intestine is “in shock,” vomiting normally occurs. If your dog always throws up after drinking, don’t hesitate to get him checked because this could be a sign of a bigger problem like parvo.

Parvo is a deadly disease. In fact, there are dogs suffering from parvo that only survived for 72 hours after being diagnosed. While it can be fatal, there is a way to prevent it and this is by making sure your dog gets his shots on time. The parvo vaccine should be given at least three times from the sixth to the 16th week of age.

If you suspect that your dog is infected by the parvovirus, bring him immediately to an emergency hospital for proper diagnosis and treatment. A vet may administer intravenous antibiotics to fight the intestinal infections. IV fluids are also given to ensure that the dog will not suffer from dehydration.

4. It can be a symptom of thyroid dysfunction.

Problems with the thyroid can also cause a dog to throw up after drinking water. It could be hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. With hypothyroidism, a dog suffers from low production of thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism, on the other hand, refers to the overproduction of this hormone.

The other signs of thyroid dysfunction in canines are lethargy, mental dullness, and weight gain. Some dogs also find it difficult to tolerate cold and experience obesity. If these symptoms are present, it’s important to take your pet to the vet. Thyroid dysfunction can only be confirmed with blood tests.

The treatment for thyroid problems can take a lifetime. The affected dog should be given replacement hormone orally. This should be administered two times a day. This can be gradually reduced to one dose per day, given that the dog is showing improvement.

5. It can be a sign of megaesophagus.

This is a rare condition that enlarges and impairs a dog’s esophagus. When a dog has this condition, his esophagus does not work as it should and loses its ability to move food into the stomach. As a result, it forces food and water along into the stomach.

Megaesophagus is also identified as one of the lesser known symptoms of thyroid dysfunction. It’s worth noting that this condition is not a single disease but a combination of different internal problems.

Look for signs of regurgitating after drinking and eating. Because of their difficulty with eating, dogs with this condition suffer from sudden and intense weight loss and may also have weak muscles and foul-smelling breath.

An X-ray will be able to confirm if the esophagus is dilated. Once confirmed, the doctor may suggest ways to prevent regurgitation from occurring. The treatment will vary, especially if the dog is suffering from any other underlying condition.

The Bottom Line

An excited or agitated dog can vomit after drinking water. If this happens only once and your pet did not throw up the second time around then there is no reason for you to worry. But if your dog always throws up after drinking or eating, this is a sign for a bigger problem. Schedule an appointment with your vet to identify the culprit and for your pet to receive immediate treatment.


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