Mini Berdoodle Dog: History, Appearance, Personality, and More

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A Saint Berdoodle or simply the Berdoodle dog is among the most sought-after designer breeds. They are the result of pairing a Saint Bernard and a Standard Poodle.

But did you know that this dog also comes in a miniature version? If you haven’t heard of the mini Berdoodles before, let us give you more information about them in today’s post.


The mini Berdoodles first made their way into the doggie world sometime during the 20th century. As a fairly new crossbreed, the exact date and place of origin of these dogs are not clearly identified. Apparently, there were pet parents who wanted a dog like the St Berdoodle but want something smaller, hence the mini Berdoodle came into fruition.

Breeders develop the mini Berdoodles by pairing a mini Poodle and a mini Saint Bernard. Mini Poodles have been around for hundreds of years and are believed to originate from Germany although some claim they were first bred in France. A mini Saint Bernard, on the other hand, is a relatively new crossbreed made by pairing a Saint Bernard with a much smaller breed, the Cocker Spaniel.


Mini Berdoodles look like a typical Doodle dog. They have the iconic teddy bear look and fluffy coat that will make you want to bring them home the moment you first see them. They take the same coat texture as a Poodle but usually get the beautiful coat color of the Saint Bernards.

Saint Bernards will always have two or three color combinations. They never come in solid color, unless you have a true albino dog which rarely occurs in this breed. They are predominantly white with spots of mahogany, orange, rust, red, and brown. Like Saint Bernards, these Doodles have a small or large patch on their face. These dogs are known for being splash-coated, as per the breed standard.

The coat color of a mini Berdoodle is mostly white. Some of them may show the splashes of red, reddish brown or reddish brown mantle, while others may also appear in brindle grizzle. The coat texture of these dogs will also vary, but you can expect them to have the wavy or curly coat of the mini poodles.

Evidently, minis Berdoodles are twice smaller than their standard counterparts. A Saint Berdoodle weighs 18 kilograms at a minimum and can be as heavy as 80 kilograms! If you are a bit intimated by their size, you might as well settle for the miniature version which is only half the average weight of a Saint Berdoodle.

A mini version of Berdoodles only weighs around 20 to 23 kilograms. In terms of height, there is not much difference between the Standard and the mini Berdoodle. The standard version stands 15 to 30 inches on average while the mini version is a bit smaller at 14 to 18 inches tall.


The mini Berdoodle does shed but only very minimal. It may have the same rough coat of the Saint Bernards and the wavy coat texture of the Poodle cross. Like other Doodle dogs, Berdoodles should be brushed on a regular basis to avoid the occurrence of mats and tangles. Aside from regular brushing, it is also helpful to give the dog a quick brushing before its bath time. A slicker brush will be the best type of brush to use on these dogs because this tool is especially made for detangling. If your dog’s coat is a bit rough, you may consider bristle brushes.

You can start bathing your dog as early as at six weeks of age. If you want to bathe your dog, make sure you use lukewarm water and a natural dog shampoo. In the case of mini Berdoodles, you don’t have to bathe them often, especially if the dog does not go out too much. The frequency of baths will depend on a dog’s lifestyle and activity level. Dogs that are always indoors do not need as much bathing as those that always get wet or dirty outside.


Mini Berdoodles are ideal as human companions. While these dogs have definite traits because they have three different breeds in their lineage, they are all generally friendly. This makes them suitable for singles or families with older children. They may do well in households with little ones as long as the children were properly trained how to handle pups.

It’s worth noting that mini St. Bernards alone came from two breeds: the St. Bernard and the Cocker Spaniels which have many differences as well as similarities. With the Poodle into the picture, you can expect a more varied personality. Cocker Spaniels and Poodle are not as stranger-friendly as Saint Bernards, which are dubbed as “gentle giants.”

Mini Berdoodles bring in many of the wonderful traits of Saint Bernards, which are loyal, affectionate and willing to please. They are just a bit stubborn, though, so be very patient especially when teaching them a new skill. More often than not, these dogs just don’t want to listen. They are actually intelligent but they will not always follow orders.

On a more positive note, these dogs will enjoy being snuggled –a characteristic they will likely inherit from their Mini Saint Bernard parent. Snuggling makes any dog feel good and it is a great stress reliever for them. But with their teddy-bear like look and feel, who will not love cuddling these cuties?

If you own a mini Berdoodle, shower him lots of love and affection and he will give it to you in return. Mini Berdoodles seldom bark. In fact, smaller dogs tend to bark at them more. Although they are big, they are least likely to be aggressive.


Miniature dogs are more economical to feed than the larger ones. Like any other dog, these Doodle dogs thrive on a high-protein and low-fat diet. If you prefer, you can offer pure kibble or mix it with something homecooked. The only issue with the meals prepared at home is that they can be time-consuming but if you can manage this, they are a better and healthier option than commercially prepared dog food.

A raw diet is fine for dogs and actually comes with a number of benefits. However, before introducing a raw diet to your pooch, make sure you are guided by your veterinarian, especially if your pooch has a sensitive stomach or is at risk of developing allergies. Raw food is beneficial for both the bones and the muscles, but there is the possibility that they can cause infections and gastrointestinal inflammation. It is best to outweigh the pros and cons first before deciding to switch to raw food diet.


As a dog with medium to high energy levels, the mini Berdoodle will need at least 35 minutes of exercise every day. A walk in the park is the best activity for them, although you can introduce more fun activities like playing games of fetch or hide and seek. They are best suited in homes with medium to large yards because this allows them to run or play free.

A mini Berdoodle is fairly easy to train, so you may incorporate agility or obedience training at an early age. What’s even better with these dogs is the fact that they are highly sociable so you will not have to worry enrolling them in dog classes or introducing them to new people and faces.

If you are planning to include training in your dog’s usual physical activities, make sure you are encouraging positive reinforcement. Your dog will appreciate rewards and simple praises because these things urge them to train more and learn new skills. Remember, you’ve got a little stubborn pup there so patience is very important in raising him.

Mini Berdoodle Health

Mini Berdoodles live 10 to 12 years on average. This is just a couple of years longer than the life span of Saint Bernards, which only live 8-10 years on average because of their numerous health problems. But with the mini poodle in its lineage, mini Berdoodles tend to live longer than their purebred counterparts and hybrid vigor plays a role in it. Here are the most common issues to be prepared for when taking care of mini Berdoodles:

Patella Luxation – this problem is pretty common in the miniature variety. In dogs with this condition, the patella or the kneecap is positioned abnormally. The kneecaps are almond-shaped and their main function is to help extend the knees. This condition can be inherited but it’s also possible for a dog to have a luxating patella after a traumatic injury. One of the best ways to avoid the patella from slipping out of position is by keeping the tendon firm and the muscles strong. You may make your pooch ascend or descend on a carpeted stair a few times a day to exercise the kneecap.

Epilepsy – this is one of the conditions that affect the Poodle breed regardless of the variety. Epilepsy or dog seizures have many possible causes, including tumors on the brain and problems with a dog’s organs. If the cause is unknown, it can be a case of idiopathic seizure, which is an inherited disorder. There are many types of drugs that can be given to treat canine epilepsy.One of them is Phenobarbital which works by preventing seizures although it can also be administered to stop epilepsy that is already in progress.

Cataracts – Poodles and Saint Bernards are among the breeds at risk for developing cataracts or having opacity in their lens. Cataracts do not really have a huge impact on a dog’s vision especially if they are small. However, if the size of the cataract is big enough, it can cause blurry vision and may affect a dog’s ability to see clearly even during the day. Depending on their thickness and density, cataracts may require surgical removal which costs no less than $2,000. But pet parents who are afraid to try medical operations for their dogs may consider eye drops that reportedly dissolve cataracts.

Hip dysplasia – just like their parent breeds, it’s just normal for mini Berdoodles to develop hip dysplasia. Dogs with this condition have abnormally formed hip sockets. Because the hip sockets are not in their normal form, a dog may experience crippling lameness and difficulty moving. In advanced stages, hip dysplasia can also result in joint arthritis.

Allergies – one of the similarities among Saint Bernards, Cocker Spaniels, and Poodles is that they are all prone to allergies and they may pass them on to their offspring. Poodles are at risk of having contact allergies and this may affect their skin and coat health. In mini Poodles, the leading cause of their itchiness is yeast or Malassezia dermatitis. This can infect their skin and make them itchy or cause redness. It is also likely they will accumulate a waxy discharge with an unusual odor because of the infection.

Mini Berdoodle Price

A mini Berdoodle will cost $2,000 and above, depending on breeder and pedigree. It’s easy to find these designer dogs online but better be careful when dealing with sellers online. You may want to check the breeder’s background by visiting their kennel prior to making a transaction.

Important Reminders before Getting Mini Berdoodles

If you are eager to buy a mini Berdoodle, check the breeder’s facilities first. You should see how the parent dogs are being raised. Get as many health guarantees and certifications as possible from your prospect breeder, including results for knee scores.


A mini Berdoodle is the perfect pet for you if you want to have a dog having the temperament of Saint Bernard, minus their massive size. What’s not to love about St. Bernards? They may be gigantic but they are gentle and that makes them the perfect addition to any household!


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